Tamil Actor Karthi who teamed up with Nagarjuna first time in Telugu, showcases huge praises on him(Nagarjuna). Earlier Makers have released teasers of both versions Tamil and Telugu. The teaser of “Thozha” and its Telugu version “Oopiri” was released Saturday, Feb.20. which gives a brief introduction about the lead actors in the film.
Actor Karthi Heap Praises On Nagarjuna
The teaser showcases the rich visuals and Karthi playing as a caretaker role for Nagarjuna along with Tamannah Bhatia. Without giving any clue about the storyline, it raises curiosity among the audience. Recently, Tamil Version “Thozha” audio released in Chennai on Friday(26-02-2016).
In a Recent Interview, Karthi shared his views on Multi-starer film. ” I do not want to do a multi-starer film unless I got the good subject like “Sivaputrudu” where two lead actors in the film. And Oopiri is one subject when I heard the story I immediately gave the nod to the director only because of the subject and I would like to work with Nagarjuna Sir who looks younger than me in this film, Karthi Stated.
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“I watched him amid the film’s shoot and observed him to be a hard worker. He is exceptionally standard with his workouts and keeps up a strict diet. The only reason he is physically fit always because of his positive attitude. “He is very relaxed on the set. It was great working with him, Karthi included.”
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Oopiri, the official remake of the French film The Intouchables, sees Nagarjuna play a rich quadriplegic and Karthi as his caretaker. “Oopiri” is written and directed by Vamsi Paidipally. Prakash Raj, Jayasudha, Ali, and others are in the cast. Anushka Shetty, Shriya Saran, Adivi Sesh have done guest appearances in this film.
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