With Arjun Reddy trailer Vijay Devarakonda has got the huge following in the audience. Vijay Devarakonda has stolen the hearts of the audience with award-winning film ‘Pelli Chupulu’. His latest upcoming film ‘Arjun Reddy’ is going to release on 25th August while the trailer of Arjun Reddy has stood as the most trending video on YouTube with millions of views. Now, the makers have arranged the pre-release event of Arjun Reddy movie on today, 21st August. Catch this event by watching it live from here. Check more details of Arjun Reddy pre-release event.
Arjun Reddy Movie Pre-Release Event Scheduled Today at 7 PM – Watch Live Streaming Here
Vijaya Devarakonda’s Arjun Reddy pre-release event will be held today, 21st August at N Convention, at Madhapur, Hyderabad at 7 PM Onwards. Arjun Reddy Pre-release Event Live streaming will be telecasted by TV 9 and various other channels. The pre-release event will also be telecasted on YouTube. The audience eagerly waiting to watch the pre-release event can check the direct link from here.
This event will be privileged to many of the big heads of the TFI and also the entire team of Arjun Reddy will be attending this event. Also, Jr NTR is likely to attend the function as a chief guest.
Arjun Reddy is playing a different role as an aggressive college student in this film. The trailer has attracted the youth a lot. Shalini Pandey is making her debut into Tollywood with this film. Debutant director Sandeep Reddy has written and directed this film.
The film has recently completed the censor works and received ‘A’ certificate from the board. Music Director Radhan has composed the music and BGM for this film. Old actress Kanchana will be seen in an important role in this film. Sanjay Swaroop, Jia Sharma, Kamal Kamaraju and Gopinath Bhat will be seen in supporting roles.
The audience waiting for Arjun Reddy pre-release event can check the direct streaming link from this page.
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