Balakrishna presently focusing on 100 films after Dictator movie hit, For which balayya fans are avidly holding up, This is said to be a sequel of the Aditya 369 movie released in 1991. Sources are stating this will made by Boyapati Srinu(official not confirmed), So it will be Time Traveler or not.
Balakrishna’s 100th Film titled as Aditya 999
“His 100th film is no doubt going to be the sequel of ‘Aditya 369’. He will be rejoining with director Singeetham Srinivasa Rao, who had directed the first film, for this project.”
Prior it was said this venture will be taken by Sangeetham Srinivasa Rao, Balakrishna is in full speed who is hustling towards completing the milestone of acting in 100 hundred films.
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This project is said to be initiated in the coming weeks and it is said to be Directer rao following two decades. Sources included, “It’s actual Srinu has been in contact with Balakrishna around a task. Then again, it can’t be said certainly when their project will start.”
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Sources added.”Balakrishna was his 100th film to be very very special. Thus, he has chosen to team up with director sangeetam again following two decades. An official announcement in regards to the project is relied upon to be made in the next couple of weeks.”
basanta Kumar Naik says