Duvvada Jagannadha (DJ) movie released on 23rd June in more than 1000 screens in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States and in 300 theatres in overseas. That is a massive opening for the DJ Film. Allu Arjun’s DJ is now creating the collection tsunami at the box office. On its first day, the DJ movie has grossed Rs 18.52 Cr collections in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana states. As per statistics from various reports the Duvvada Jagannadham movie has collected over Rs 24 Cr in India while the DJ Worldwide gross collection ranges between Rs 30 Cr to Rs 33 Cr. This is the biggest opening for Stylish star Allu Arjun’s film.
Duvvada Jagannadham (DJ) Movie 1st Day BO Collections in India & Overseas
The DJ movie directed by the sensational director Harish Shankar. The movie hits the screens on 23rd June all over the world. Allu Arjun and Pooja Hegde paired up in this film; their chemistry was exceptionally admired by the audience. The film proved successful in its day 1 journey by collecting above Rs 30 cr worldwide income.
In the USA the movie screened at 170 screens and it has approximately collected $400,000. This is the biggest grosser of Allu Arjun until now. The movie has collected 65% of its making charges even before the release by selling the satellite rights at a whopping price. The movie has done Rs 100.8 Cr satellite business for sale of music, satellite rights, and distribution rights.
Bunny’s DJ movie is continuing with ever expected records. His last film Sarainodu has collected Rs 10 Cr BO Income on its first day while DJ movie has stunned everyone by collecting over Rs 30 Cr on its first day. The movie is expected to collect between Rs 85 to Rs 90 Cr by the end of the 1st weekend. Bunny’s collection record has been reset with Duvvada Jagannadham (DJ) movie.
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