Varun Dhawan’s upcoming film Judwaa 2 movie’s ‘Unchi Hai Building’ song teaser was released today. This is the remake of 1997 super hit film ‘Judwa’ starring Salman Khan in the main role. In this film, actresses Jaqueline Fernandez and Taapsee Pannu acting in female lead roles. Unchi Hi Building 2.0 track was recently launched 2 days ago. Actor Varun Dhawan has tweeted saying the same. The Judwaa 2 (Unchi Hai Building) songs will be launched tomorrow, 7th September.
Judwaa 2: Unchi Hai Building Song Teaser Released- Audio Launch on 7th September
Varun took to micro-blogging site Twitter to share the teaser. He tweeted, “#unchihainbuilding2.0 . Your favourite track is back. Just 2 days to go.”
Varun Dhawan’s Unchi Hai Building song teaser from Judwaa 2 is simply superb. He seems too perfect in this film to replace Salman in this remake film. Actresses Jaqueline Fernandez and Taapsee Pannu looks hot as well. We have to wait and watch whether this film can be replaceable to the earlier super hit film Judwa. The film is set to release on 29th September. Recently, Chalti Hai Kya 9 se 12 and Suno Ganpati Bappa Morya tracks were released and received great appreciation from the audience. The audience has to wait until 29th September to watch Judwaa 2 on big screens.
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