On yesterday Telugu film industry marked a great loss due to the sudden demise of the legendary director, producer, and all-rounder Dr. Dasari Narayana Rao. To pay the tribute to Dasari the two ongoing projects were halting their way.
Mahesh Spyder Teaser Release Postponed & Pawan’s 25th Film Stopped – Here is why
Director Dasari Narayana Rao’s death is a great loss to the Tollywood film industry. He is the most notable person of the industry. He is active in many areas in movies like acting, writing, directing, producing and others. He is the most bellowed personality for many of the people in Tollywood.Concerning this regard now two major movies were stopped to pay tribute to him.
As per the reports, Mahesh and Murugadoss movie Spyder teaser release has been postponed to 1st of June at 10.30. The Spyder movie teaser is actually scheduled to hit the screens on 31st May while to mark the respect towards the legendary personality Dasari the film release has been moved to the further date.
And also, Pavan Kalyan and Director Trivikram’s movie – Pawan’s 25th film has been stopped shooting for 3 days. And also, the Tollywood has decided to stop the screening of movies for the entire day to offer honor to Dasari. He is a great director of the industry that he has directed around 250 films and received prestigious awards in his lifetime. He is a great divine personality with humanity. Dasari has set the new standards in Tollywood with his films. It is a great honor to respect such a great person.
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