Rani Daggubati’s upcoming film ‘Nene Raju Nene Mantri’ has scheduled to release on the big screen on 11th August while this film is also being released in Tamil as Naan Aanaiyittaal and Malayalam as Raaja Kireedam. Recently the trailer of the film has revealed and mesmerized the audience with Rana’s action in all frames. The NRNM trailer has bagged millions of views on YouTube and audience were super excited to watch Rana in this Political Thriller film. After a long break Director Teja is making this film. After a huge success of Baahubali, Bhalladeva (Rana) is acting in this film. The audience is having a huge expectation on this film. The makers have today announced a great news to surprise the audience. Nene Raju Nene Mantri 1st theme song ‘Jogendra’ is to be unveiled today. Check more details from this article.
Nene Raju Nene Mantri ‘Jogendra’ Theme Song Releasing Today
The audience is much familiar with the Jogendra name even before the film’s release. The NRNM trailer showcases the ‘Jogendra’ name for Rana Daggubati. Already ‘Jogedra Jogendra Jai bolo Jogendra’ a bit of title song of NRNM has been unveiled. As a surprise to the audience, now the team of Nene Raju Nene Mantri movie is going to launch the Jogendra theme song today, 1st August. The audience can enjoy this theme song on YouTube.
Rana Daggubati is playing a political spinner role in this film. Fans of Rana can expect a different zonal of the film with NRNM. Rana is full in form with the massive hits of Baahubali and Ghazi movies. He always chooses different subjects that are having large scope for acting. Again, this is the new form of Rana audience would definitely appreciate his sheer dedication.
The movie promotions are full on swing. Makers have innovated a new strategy of promotion of the film that is Augmented Reality. This new technic has got received a great applause from the audience.
Kajal Aggarwal and Catherine Tresa Sharing the screen with Rana in this film. Navdeep is playing a vital role in this film. Director Teja again getting ready for a massive success with NRNM. Daggubati Suresh Babu, father of Rana is producing this film. Anup Rubens is the music director of the film. We have to wait till 11th August to watch this film on big screen.
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