Nithin’s ‘LIE’ movie is all set to hit the screens on 11th August in Telugu states and also in abroad. Hanu Ravipudi’s directional film ‘LIE’ is having many expectations on its release. Megha Akash is playing the female lead role with Nithin. The movie will be releasing on 14 Reels Entertainment banner. Gopichand Achanta, Ram Achanta, and Anil Sunkara are the producers of the film. The LIE pre-release event to be held today 5th August 7 PM Onwards. The LIE Pre-release live streaming online link will be activated at the time of the event starts.
- LIE Pre-release event time: 7 PM
- Venue: JRC Convention Center, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad
Nithin’s ‘LIE’ Pre-Release Event Live Streaming Online
The LIE Pre-release function is arranged at JRC Convention Center, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad and the function will be starting from 7 PM onwards. Many of the industry persons expected to attend this event. Also, Taran Adarsh film analyst will attend this event.
“Traveling to Hyderabad for the pre-release function of Telugu film #LIE. Looking forward to the event. 11 Aug 2017 release. #LIEonAug11th”.
LIE movie trailer has recently released and created the sensation with Nithiin’s ultra stylish look. Also, the songs were received a hit talk. The audience having a great expectation on this film after watching the trailer.
Mani Sharma has composed music for this film. Arjun will be seen in the antagonist role. The movie is slated to release on 11th August. On the same date, Rana’s ‘Nene Raju Nene Mantri’ and Bellam Konda Srinivas’s ‘Jaya Janaki Nayaka’ movies were releasing.
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