Ram Gopal Varma making huge buzz on these days after scoring block buster hit with Killing “Veerappan”. He announces his next film titled “Vangaveeti” On December 26, on the 27th death anniversary of Vangaveeti Mohana Ranga, his son Mr V. Radha Krishna demonstrated that the blood fight in the middle of them and rival Devineni Rajasekhar also known as Nehru was still on. After a week, director Ram Gopal Varma whose debut film depended on Vijayawada’s student politics and who had made a significant number of movies on gang rivalry, reported that his next film would be titled Vangaveeti.
Raktacharitra look like a children’s film before “Vangaveeti”
The DirectorTweeted: “It all started with Vangaveeti Radha’s killing and ended with the killing of Vangaveeti Ranga. My next film’s name is Vangaveeti,” he announced on Twitter. “Film starts with the rise of Radha and ends with the death of Ranga. That’s why I am calling the film Vangaveeti,” RGV further Tweeted.
While fans have respected the news, numerous say that the film will take Vijayawada back by 20 years to the past. The contention between the Vangaveeti and Devineni families prompted the homicide of Ranga, who was dealt with as a demi-god by his supporters. This had prompted a 40-day curfew in the city in 1988.
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RGV’s also announce provoked an online verbal confrontation. You won’t get permission to release (the film) in Andhra until you hide the facts as to who really killed both and for what benefits,” warned FB user Siva Krishna Reddy. “Don’t dare do that RGV. Any small mistake in your movie will leave you dead. Because Ranga is still a demi god to many people,” warns FB user Prasanth Nagireddy.
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Of course, the director himself has admitted that his earlier film on gang rivalry Raktacharitra, would resemble a youngsters’ film before Vangaveeti.
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