Tamil Bigg Boss show contestant Oviya has been summoned by Nazarathpet police by making the suicide attempt in the show. This actress has attracted the audience very much on this show. Yet due to her medical imbalance, she attempted to commit suicide on the sets of Bigg Boss. Recently the complaint was registered at the Nazarathpet police station for forcing her to commit suicide. The tasks assigned to the show has raised the stain and thereby she has tried to commit suicide. Also, the Bigg Boss Show hosts have telecasted this incident to get TRP. The Vijay TV has telecasted Oviya’s suicide attempt by immersing in the pool on 4th August.
Tamil Bigg Boss Oviya Receives Summons for Attempting Suicide
The Nazarathpet police said that the preliminary investigation is in progress. “We have recorded the complaint in the Community Social Register (CSR). We spoke to Oviya’s personal secretary, who denied that she attempted suicide,” he told The Hindu.
Oviya was the most prevalent challenges in the Tamil version of Bigg Boss, which is hosted by popular actor Kamal Haasan. She as of late quit the show as she couldn’t deal with her feeling for a co-contender, Aarav, whom she said she was love with. Oviya has developed so much love towards Arnav during the last few days. Bigg Boss show also has received several notices for the contestant’s performance in the show.
Puthiya Tamizhagam founder-president Dr K Krishnaswamy had documented a suit against the actress and the channel in the midst of others over Choreographer Gayathri Raghuram’s comment on the show. She had utilized “Cheri” (slum) while discussing co-contestants behaviours on the show. In another occasion, the Tamil Nadu Isai Vellalar Ilaignar Nala Sangam had served notices to Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan and Star Vijay for defaming the group. The group had asserted that actor Shakti took care of the Nadasvaram without regard on the show. A PIL was additionally recorded in the Madras High Court requesting that the show is halted from being created instantly as the sartorial decisions and conduct of women candidates are vulgar and indecent.
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