Akshay Kumar’s latest film ‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’ hits the screens on 11th August, Friday in a large number of screens across the Globe. The TEPK is making a good box office income for producers and running with successful collections. The movie successfully showed for 6 days and now it has entered the 7th day. This Independence Day release film is fruitful for the makers. Already the film has crossed the BO income of Rs 80 cr in 5 days of its release. Now, check the overall TEPK BO Collection, TEPK Collections in India, TEPK BO Collection in overseas and other details from this article.
‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’ BO Collection Report – TEPK 7 Days BO Collections in India & Overseas
The Independence Day release ‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’ is running with successful collections and good box office income. The movie has as of now collected Rs 88 Cr income by its 6th-day end, as per reports. On its day 1 the movie has earned Rs 13.10 cr, on its end day the movie earned Rs 17.10 cr, the day 3 BO income is Rs 17.10 Cr, 4th Day collection is Rs 12 Cr, 5th Day collection is Rs 20 Cr, and on yesterday on its 6th day the movie earned Rs 6 to 7 cr. Overall the movie has earned the box office income of Rs 83.45 Cr as of now and it is expected to collect Rs 100 Cr by this weekend. The movie got good appreciations for the concept and execution. The Akshay’s movie has got a good talk from the audience. Hence the movie expected to collect a good box office income in coming days.
The trade analyst Taran Adarsh wrote, “#ToiletEkPremKatha – OVERSEAS – Till Monday: $ 2.27 million [₹ 14.59 cr]”.
Akshay Kumar has earlier acted in Jolly LLB 2 movie, The movie stood as the 5th position in collections while the TEPK has stood in 6th position. Shree Narayan Singh has directed this film while Akshay Kumar and Neeraj Pandey has jointly produced this film. Bhumi Pednekar has played the female lead role in this film. Also Anupam Kher and Divyendu Sharma were appeared in supporting roles in this film. The movie is based on Swachha Bharat Abhiyaan campaign introduced by PM Narendra Modi. This Independence Day release movie is attracting the audience to watch it in theatres with the best concept and Akshay Kumar’s action.
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