Sonam Kapoor’s multi-talented sister, Rhea Kapoor recently stunned her followers by posting quite a spellbinding picture on Instagram. Captioned as ‘MOOD, #takemeanywhere’, the picture shows a naked young woman, submerged underwater, enjoying the sun passing through the surface of the sea and kissing her bare body.
Soon, the internet went crazy over the image and couldn’t stop singing praises of Rhea Kapoor. Here’s the picture she posted.
But, this drop dead gorgeous picture where a young woman can be seen floating in water, dressed in a nude swimsuit is not Rhea herself. The picture is actually a STOCK IMAGE.
Here’s the original image and it’s definitely not Rhea.
The internet tried to sell you a cooked up story of its own and you believed it! Moreover, Rhea never claimed that the picture to be hers; it’s just the people and media who made stories around it.
Don’t be fooled, guys!
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