Facebook’s India head, Kirthiga Reddy, has said she is stepping down and plans to return to the US. Two days after shutting down its debate ridden Free Basics program, Facebook India Managing Director Kirthiga Reddy today stepped down from her current role and will move to the US. The social networking site gaint has begun searching for a successor to Reddy, who might move to Facebook’s headquarters in the US in the next 6-12 months.
Facebook on Thursday close down ‘Free Basics’ in India, days after telecom controller TRAI banned services from charging unfair rates for Internet access based on content.
Facebook India MD Kirthiga Reddy resigns, after company cans Free Basics
“When my family relocated to India, we knew that we would move back to the US some day. It’s a bittersweet moment to share that the return timeframe is coming up in the next 6-12 months. Our two daughters start high school and middle school this coming year— which serves as a natural transition point to make this move back.
I could not be more excited about where the Facebook business is in India, where we are going and what’s to come. Over the last six years, starting as the first employee for Facebook in India, I have had the privilege to be part of our amazing growth journey — from our operations in Hyderabad to being a business partner for our clients as they build their brands and grow their business in this mobile-first world. Above all, it’s all been about our mission: “Give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.” We have only just begun.
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What am I going to be doing? It will be business as-usual over the next 6-12 months. I am working closely with William Easton and Dan Neary as we search for my successor in India. I have also begun to explore new opportunities at Facebook back at Menlo Park. As I do this, I continue to experience the same aha moments as I did in my first few weeks at Facebook — that our mission is so much bigger, the opportunities are so much larger, and each facebooker is so much more jaw-dropping-inspiring than one thinks possible.
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6-12 months is a long time – so let’s make sure we make the overdue coffee catchups happen! I’m grateful to have two countries to call “home,” have had this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and look forward to the next one, and have the opportunity to partner with each of you”, she posted her official Facebook page.
After months-long conference process, activated by the unhindered net neutrality debate, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) recently banished administrators from charging different rates for Internet access, managing a hit to Free Basics and other such plans like Airtel Zero.
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