Aamir Khan who faced Intolerance remark in past, yesterday the actor celebrated his 51st birthday and he reveals his birthday wish was to buy his “ammi” her ancestral home in Varanasi.
Aamir’s family home now a gambler’s den
The property – known as Khwaja Manzil and once claimed by the actor – movie producer’s maternal precursors – is today in remnants, serving as a cave for players. A family living before Khwaza Manzil has purchased a portion of the property. Gunja Devi, elderly women of the family, said they came to know in regards to Aamir’s affiliation just when he arrived in 2009, Times of India reported.
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Aamir called Varanasi “extremely and beautiful”, and said, “My mom spent her childhood in Varanasi. I have been thinking on the off chance that I can ask for people there and get that house.” “…if I get my mother’s home there, that will give me the greatest joy.”
A visit to the property in Varanasi’s old city region found a group of people betting in an edge of an open space encompassed by flotsam and jetsam and disintegrating walls.
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Aamir’s first experience with his mom’s home in the limited paths of Bharadwaji Tola happened in December 2009 when he arrived to advance his film “3 Idiots”. Amid the visit, Aamir also met Nawab Kayam Raza, his mom’s relative and a local of Katra Dara Shikoh, who passed on a year ago. “Aamir met my husband and gifted him a gold ring,” said Nawab’s dowager Kaniz Fatima.
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