Directed by Nishikant Kamat, John Abraham’s Action Thriller “Rocky Handsome” Movie released on 25th March. The film was produced under his home banner John Abraham Entertainment with Sunir Khetrapal’s Azure Entertainment. Shruti Haasan has been cast as John Abraham’s wife, while a seven-year-old child actress named Diya plays an important character.
The fitness freak actor has learned Aikido, Hapkido and Krav Maga forms of martial arts for the action flick shot in the film. Check out Rocky Handsome Movie Review, Rating, Story, Live Updates, Public Talk from below.
Rocky Handsome Movie Cast & crew:
Director: Nishikant Kamat
Producers: John Abraham, Sunir Khetrapal
- John Abraham
- Shruti Haasan
Writer: Ritesh Shah
Cast: Nishikant Kamat, Sharad Kelkar, Nathalia Kaur
Musician: Sunny Bawra, Inder Bawra
Cinematography: Shanker Raman
Production Company: J.A Entertainment, Azure Entertainment
Genre: Action, Thriller
Release Date: 25th March 2016
Rocky Handsome Movie Story:
It is the story of Rocky (John Abraham) who is trying to rescue an eight-year-old girl. Since he shares a special bond with the little girl, he sets out to tackle the drug mafia alone. John brilliantly emotes and reflects his agonies and pains, and manages to bring you to tears.
Rocky Handsome Movie Review & Rating:
‘Rocky Handsome’ is happy and satisfied in living off borrowed aesthetics even while clinging to its Indian self for all the wrong reasons. Packed with maniac action sequences, it is a typical dark, moody and coarsely crafted crime drama that is based on the 2010 released Korean film “Man from Nowhere”.
Shruti Hassan in a miniscule role as his wife Rukshida is natural, but her onscreen chemistry with John seems awkward and forced. The editing is sleek and the songs mesh well into the narration but they do not enhance the telling of the tale. The fight sequences with hammer and pickaxe wielding goons is ghoulish, yet exciting.
Plus Points:
- John Abraham Performance
- Fight sequences
Minus Points:
- Low on emotions
- Chemistry between hero & heroine
DesiSpy Rating: 3/5
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