Tamil New Year is commonly known as the “Puthandu” which is considered as one of the biggest festivals of the Tamilnadu or south Indian region and in many other countries such as Tamil Nadu, Singapore, and Malaysia etc. People of Tamil Nadu will celebrate this day with lots of joy hoping for all the new days to come ahead. Usually, every year Tamil New Year is celebrated in the month of April. Similar to this Puthandu 2017 is celebrated in April. This year the Tamilians are going to observe the Puthandu festival on 14th April.
Happy Puthandu Tamil New year 2017 Images, Wishes, SMS Quotes Messages Status for Whatsapp & Facebook
On the occasion of this Tamil New Year, people would like to exchange their wishes with their friends and spread the colors of New Year all over with the status messages, awesome hope raising Tamil New Year quotations, SMS, images and lots more. So, we have come up with the stuff here that are gathered for sharing your happiness with your friends and relatives so have a look at that stuff. Check the Puthandu greetings, Tamil New Year greetings and wishes from the gallery and download the best one’s from it to share with friends, family members, relatives and others.
Share Puthandu 2017 Greetings and Messages, SMS Whatsapp Status for Friends :
Here we have collected the Tamil New Year or which is popularly known as Puthandu messages, SMS, quotations, images, status messages that you can share with your friends or else you can spread the wishes on your messaging apps and social networking websites such as Facebook, WhatsApp etc. We have presented all this stuff at various sections of our gallery which you can search them through our search bar and get them all for free. You can share the Puthandu wallpapers or images on your computer or share of the Facebook to show your happiness, you can send the Tamil New year messages or SMS on the day of occasion with your friends.
On Happy Puthandu 2017 send these messages to your friends, families, colleagues on WhatsApp, Facebook and SMS:
1. New Hopes…
New Aspirations…
New Dreams…
It’s a new beginning!
May all your dreams come true and give you the joy that you have always wished for!
Puthandu Vazthukal. Happy Puthandu 2017
To give light to a brighter road
Have a happier journey this year!
You can share the Puthandu wallpapers or images on your computer or share of the Facebook to show your happiness, you can send the Tamil New year messages or SMS on the day of occasion with your friends, family, and relatives via your smartphones or messaging apps and spread the word of new happiness with the New Year that has been evolved. Pick some best stuff that we have collected here for you and which you can’t get from other sites in the online. We keep up to date with all the latest stuff every time and some inspiring and happiness spreading stuff that you would love. So, don’t just watch them you can also get them and share them all the stuff for free with your buddies and share the happiness to make it a memorable year for you and others.
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