India is all set to celebrate its 69th Republic Day on Tuesday with preparations for the ceremonial parade in ‘Rajpath’ in New Delhi. The highlights of this year celebrations is that the new guest will be attending the event as a chief guest between unique security in the wake of the attack on Pathankot air force base. Also, this is the first time since 1950, a foreign army contingent will march down the Rajpath during the Republic Day parade.
For the first time, an all-woman contingent called “Women Daredevils CRPF” comprising of 15 soldiers will showcase stunts during the event, a feature of the R-Day parade that is always one of the most popular ones.
Watch India Republic Day 2018 Parade Live Streaming Here:
The another major attractions this year is that Indian Army Dogs will march down the Rajpath after 26 years and 90 camels of the Border Security Force joining the march. Delhi Police made strict arrangements ensure the security of people in various parts of the city on 26th January 2018.
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