Prime Minister Narendra Modi has recently announced the conserve oil program to save the petroleum conservation. As per this, the Consortium of Indian Petroleum Dealers has announced that fuel filling stations will remain closed on Sundays from 14th May. This decision has been implementing in 8 states in India.
Petrol pumps Declares Holiday on Sundays in 8 States
The Fuel filling stations will remain shut on Sundays in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Puducherry, Maharashtra, and Haryana. As per reports nearly 20,000 fuel filling stations will be remain shut on Sundays effective from 14th May. A complete 24 hour holiday is declared to Petroleum filling stations in these 8 states.
“We had planned to shut our outlets on Sundays a few years back. But oil marketing companies had then requested us to reconsider our decision. Now we have decided to shut the outlets on Sundays,” said Suresh Kumar, an executive committee member of the consortium of Indian petroleum dealers.
Satish Kumar has said that the association’s decision was taken based on the PM Narendra Modi’s ‘Mann Ki Baat’ Programme. As per this saving, the fuel is one of the main parts. Also, there is a small amendment in this. The fuel stations normally contain 15 staff in the regular premise. The government has allowed that one person can stay at the fuelling station to fill the fuel in case of emergency.
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