Directed by Sanjay Jadhav Guru Marathi language action film released on 22nd January with Ankush Choudhary and Urmila Kanitkar in lead roles. The movie was Produced by Sunil Lulla & Deepak Pandurang Rane. Amitraj, Pankaj Padghan and Praful Karlekar composed the music for this film. Murli Sharma will be seen in supporting role. Check out Guru Marathi Movie Review, Rating, Story, Public talk from here!
Guru Marathi Movie Cast & Crew:
Director: Sanjay Jadhav
Producer: Sunil Lulla, Deepak Pandurang Rane
- Ankush Choudhary
- Urmila Kanitkar
Writer: Aashish Pathre
Cinematography: Vijay Soni
Choreography: Umesh Jadhav
Music: Amitraj, Pankaj Padghan, Praful Karlekar
Lyrics: by Yo, Kshitij Patwardhan, Mandar Cholkar
Language: Marathi
Release Date: 22 January 2016
Genre: Action, Love Story, Romance
Running Time: 2 hrs 22 mins
Guru – A young and smart small-time conman, earns his livelihood by manipulating rich people but is also the king of hearts in his neighborhood. However, one fine day, he happens to witness a murder that changes his life.
Guru returns to his village to get away from the scandal, but the scandal follows him. The murder he witnessed is part of a larger conspiracy, which threatens to endanger him, as well as his loved ones. How he overcome those situations forms the remaining plot.
Guru Marathi Movie Review & Rating:
Other than being completely predictable, there is no major fault with the graph of the film. In fact, it could have been enjoyable for a larger audience bracket if presented on a lower key.
Plus Points:
- Sanjay Jadhav’s Direction
- Ankush Choudhary’s Acting
Minus Points:
- Story is predictable
DesiSpy Rating: 2.75/5
It was announced a few weeks ago that SRK and Rohit Shetty are producing a Marathi film to be helmed by Sanjay Jadhav. After watching Guru, it’s clear that they have found the right man for the job.
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